True Stories of Foot In Mouth Disease
As contractors at a large state agency (substitute large bureacratic firm if you like), it behooves us to keep our mouths shut in times of uncertainty (or uncertain people). Appropos for the holidays, I have an illustrative story.
An acquaintance at the salt mine, let's call him Mr. Say the Wrong Thing, was waiting for the elevator on Thanksgiving Eve not many years ago. It was the end of the work day before the big holiday brouhaha and a statie joined him to wait. Mr. SWT starts up a conversation quite innocently:
Mr. SWT: Hey (statie's name redacted to protect my job), Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Statie: Hmmmmph.
Mr. SWT: Sorry Statie, did I offend?
(let's pause here for a moment to reflect on this second breach of the contractor code: If you say something stupid or offensive, don't follow up by asking the offended for an explanation. It makes the offended feel more so and it makes you, as the offender, look stupid)Statie: It's my second least favorite holiday, following of course, Columbus Day.
Mr. SWT: umm, sorry.
Did I mention that the statie is a full blooded Cherokee? Consider it mentioned.
Which brings us back to the real reason behind the story. As the holidays are upon us, let us reflect on their real meaning: Making others uncomfortable, no wait, sharing the joy of the season. With that in mind, I found
this site and implore you to gather as many bands as possible to alert others that it is OK to celebrate Jesus' birthday joyfully with others.
So, don't be afraid, get a wristband for you, your family, and your Catholic (or separated brethren) friends. This way you let others know that you will not be cowed by political correctness and more importantly, you wish others the joy of the season irrespective of their religious convictions.
Oh, and if I don't see you, Merry Christmas!